Wednesday, April 2, 2014
I've always been a bit behind the times when it comes to arming myself with the latest technological wizardry. Don't ask me the reason because I can't figure out why I've never been motivated to get the latest and the best or at least the best that fits my budget.
Years ago I can remember being completely satisfied with not having a personal computer or the Internet in my home way after nearly everyone else had become a part of the Internet Generation. Of course the computers at work had the latest of everything so maybe that helped satisfy any need I might have had. At any other odd time I decided to get on the Internet or use the MS Office Suite I was fine with going to the small library in my little town and using their computers.
When I finally decided to break down and get my own computer I can remember it taking forever for me to research the various brands and their prices and decide on one I thought would be the ideal PC for me, within the confines of what I had to spend. My first computer was an HP, not the most expensive but for my purposes it did pretty well. The convenience of having a computer and the Internet at my fingertips made me wonder what took me so long to make that move. Now, of course, after having experienced the advantages of having a computer in my home, adding wireless, desktop, and laptop, I would never go back.
I guess that brings me around to the topic of smart phones. I went many years without a cell phone. I had a home phone and it served my purposes fine. Just as with the computer I could have gotten one but simply did not feel a compelling need to have one. Then a few years back I went through a period of time where my then car broke down a couple of times over a three or four month period leaving me stranded, no pay phones available, and at the mercy of whatever strangers would come along. Thank goodness in North Carolina people are ultra nice about stopping and asking if you need help. There, however, were times I was out on the highway late at night and I realized that I was being foolish by not having the security of a cell phone.
I didn't need a cellphone to socialize with or one with fancy doodads and gadgets. Just a cellphone that would come in handy in case of an emergency and maybe for one or two quick phone calls for convenience sake ever so often. With that in mind I went to my local Wal-Mart and picked up a little TracFone, which I have used for years now. It has more than served its purpose and still works as good as ever. I've noticed the service is reliable too. I don't think I can remember a dropped call unless I was talking to someone else who had a different cellphone service and they might go through a rough patch, but my little TracFone has worked splendidly for the purposes for which it was purchased all of those years back.
About three months ago I began to notice a change come over me. My attention was captured by an article I saw on the Internet about a smartphone. I've probably read dozens of articles about cellphones and other devices but until now the idea of owning a smartphone never really caught on with me. I don't know what it is but I scanned through a piece written about the Samsung Galaxy Note II. Reading this article and seeing various photos of the phone with its applications just set off this desire in me to have one. At work I found willing ears to listen to me blather on about that darn phone. Someone suggested I walk across the parking lot to the Sprint dealer and look at one in person to see what I thought about it. I have to tell you that when I finally held one in my hand I was quite enchanted with that little slab of technology. It did get my mind to whirling with the possibilities, but I just stopped shy of taking that leap.
Then it so happened that I ran across an informative piece, again on the Internet, that the Samsung Galaxy folks were coming out with another phone, a Galaxy S4, different from the Note II. Oh my, the features on that one left me breathless. 1080p HD, 13 mp camera, scratch resistant screen, lighter, thinner. THAT WAS THE ONE! And no, I had absolutely no problem with the idea of dropping the Note II like a hot potato even before our first date, fickle though I might have been. The odd thing though is it seems that the love was only in my fantasies because I never took the next step necessary to make the match a permanent one.
A few weeks went along and I began to notice that my lack of being up to speed technologically seemed to set me apart from others, not in a big way but as a matter of convenience. One week I took my 5 year old granddaughter to the children's museum for a day of fun and I was the ONLY person there with a camera. Everyone else was using their phone to take pictures. Heck my daughter in law can scan a check on her cellphone and deposit the funds in her bank account from her home. My son takes photos and posts them to his Facebook account and sends them out to everyone through e-mail at the same time with just one push of a button. My granddaughter keeps up with the weather at grandma's house (about 200 miles away from where they live) from a cellphone app. Oh, and by the way, all of my talk about the Galaxy S4 caused my daughter in law to take a look and she upgraded to one.
Eager yet hesitant, I was just about on the verge of making the move required to once and for all bring me up to the standards of the 21st century when what should happen but I saw another update on the Internet about the Samsung Galaxy line of phones. Rumor had it that they were coming out with a Note 3 which supposedly would have ALL of the features of the S4 and much more including the 13MP camera with optical image stabilization. So much better than carrying a camera around. Of course the Galaxy Note line being my first love I have to say that news stopped me in my tracks.
Grabbing my trusty little well-worn TracFone flip phone, of which every angle and curve fits perfectly in the palm of my hand, but which when displayed publically illuminates me with the electrified visuals akin to that of a neon sign branding me with a scarlet letter as a tech dinosaur still plodding along in the stone age, I eagerly called my local Verizon dealer to find out when I could expect those highly anticipated (by me) Galaxy Note 3s to hit the store. Nonchalantly and without a smidgen of apology in her voice the clerk smoothly informed me that the information I was seeking had not been provided to them yet. Now wait a daggone minute here!! It has taken me to a long time to get to this point. I'm ready to make that leap now. RIGHT NOW!!!! What am I going to do? What if in the meantime of those jewels hitting the stores I see another article on the Internet introducing yet a different, maybe more tempting smartphone enticing me to glance in its direction so it can seduce and claim me for its own? I don't want to go through this again. It's not fair! I promise! I really was going to settle down and quit searching for "THE ONE".
I guess I have no choice but to wait. In the meantime me and my little buddy Trac will keep on as we have been doing. Come to think of it we do make a good team. Through thick and thin over the years Trac has been with me nearly everywhere I've gone. I don't mind spending a bit more time with my tried and true. As a matter of fact, even though the day is coming I think will feel a little sad when I finally do retire my buddy.
UPDATE: October 27, 2013 - The wait was a long one but finally the phone I've been anticipating arrived at the local Verizon store on October 10. I've had mine for about 2 weeks now and am really taking well to it. It can do so much and takes great photos. It has become my little sidekick now and I take it almost everywhere I go.
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