SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2013
Including copies of the depositions of Paula Deen and Lisa Jackson
It's always disconcerting to see how far rumor, accusation, and innuendo will travel and how many people will take allegations and comment on them as if they were a proven fact.
I have seen posted on the Internet and reposted many times over a link to an online piece about the Paula Deen controversy, which states some of the most horrendous allegations against her. The title of the article clearly states that the information posted are allegations, yet I noticed that many who read that piece have responded to it as if the word 'allegations' were not a part of the title. People have addressed the accusations in the article as if they were already proven to be true.
"The Paula Deen Incident; You should know all that's being alleged"-
An accusation/allegation is something that has not been proven to have occurred. It would be nice to put discussions into the context of what is fact and what is accusation and speculation.
Some will go so far as to make a connection between the companies who have dropped their contracts with Paula Deen and construe that to be proof (in their minds) that the accusations are true. Of course that is not the case. As I see it those companies had to try to put distance between themselves and Paula Deen and the only way they could do that was to drop their contract with her. They don't want to be perceived as supporting behaviors and language that should they turn out to be true are despicable. There is also a chance that those people who would wish to intimidate companies who keep contracts with her would accuse those companies of being racist themselves just to force them to drop her (I even see that behavior on this site A LOT where people who don't agree with certain positions are accused of being racist). Then the lawsuits are going to start coming from people who potentially see an opportunity to make a buck by claiming they were racially harassed. How are you as a company going to prove that the corporation or an employee of the corporation didn't do that? If it is cheaper to settle than to go to trial you will have people coming out of the woodwork making the same claims. In particular with these larger corporations you will have lawyers filing class action lawsuits. No company in its right mind would put themselves in that line of sight. No matter how much profit Paula Deen would have made for them it would never compare to what they might stand to lose. For their own survival they have to divest themselves of Paula Deen.
I put the Paula Deen deposition on my blog on Blogger for my own convenience in reading at my leisure. I've made my way through a few pages and will read more as time allows. Actually I hadn't paid that much attention to the whole thing until it became hard to avoid the topic no matter where you go on the Net. I'm a member of a few other sites and there is a decided backlash and uproar occurring from a large segment of the population who are saying there is a double standard when it comes to racist allegations.
If everything that has been alleged against Paula Deen is true then it deserves to be brought out in the open and there should be punitive measures taken. Until then this is a socially relevant topic and discussions regarding Paula Deen's actions and words are inevitable, but I would hope that all of us would be careful to parse through the facts and identify allegations as what they really are, merely accusations until evidence proves them to be verifiable truth.
Paula Deen's deposition by
Deposition of plaintiff Lisa T. Jackson vs. Paula Deen Enterprises, etc. by
SUNDAY, JUNE 02, 2013
Every day it seems more information becomes available regarding claims of abuse of power connected with Lois Lerner in her role as head of government agencies whose dominion along with unlimited funds to do as they please keeps peeking more and more of its ugly head from beneath the rocks under which it is hidden.
The embattled Lerner not only faces accusations of knowing that the IRS targeted conservative groups which had filed 501 (C)(4) tax exempt determination applications, but now it has come out that she tried to use the criminal justice system and her sovereign powers as head of the Enforcement Division of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to intimidate Al Salvi, into never again running for office in exchange for dropping election charges against him. This was during the 1996 Illinois U S Senate race when Republican Al Salvi ran against Democrat Dick Durbin. Salvi turned down her offer and Lerner continued to push forward with the charges until they were dropped in the year 2000.
"Soon after the IRS story broke, Al Salvi told Illinois Review that it was IRS official Lois Lerner who represented the FEC in the 1996 Democrat complaint against him. According to Salvi, Lerner was, without question, politically motivated, and went so far as to make him an offer: "Promise me you will never run for office again, and we'll drop this case."
Illinois Review - Lois Lerner and Al Salvi
This was written close to Christmas 2011 when the Occupy group was in the news. It has been reposted from another site I used to blog at which has since closed.
Good grief almighty. Some people just can't find a purpose unless they make it a mission to try and suck the joy out of others' lives.
Have you ever been on a good healthy walk when a tiny, nearly microscopic pebble flipped up and worked its way into your shoe? Now that pebble had a right to be there in the road. It served some sort of purpose and you were perfectly willing to accept that pebble while it was lying in the road minding its own business doing what pebbles do, but once it went inside your shoe and started poking itself into the tender sole of your foot, well that was just taking too many liberties.
Here you are hitting a really good stride and pace. You're working up a sweat, breathing deep, and feeling good. You don't really want to stop and lower your heart rate just to untie the shoe and shake that little pebble out so you keep walking, thinking it's just a teeny little thing and maybe you can finish your walk and tend to it later.
The problem is that with each step you take that dag gone pebble gets bigger and bigger with your foot screaming bloody murder until you are forced to stop and deal with it. Well let me tell you that by the time you decide to give your foot some relief you are in no mood to treat that pebble kindly. All you want to do now is to toss that aggravating thing the heck as far away from you as you can.
Well that's how a lot of citizens are now feeling about those Occupy people. Do they have a point to make? Sure they do. Their point as to how they believe things should be, is legitimately their point and they have a right to express it, whether that point is agreed with by others or not.
One point they made that I agree with is that the government shouldn't do bail outs. I don't think the Government should bail out any business period, that's it. But if I were going to protest the Government bailing out a corporate entity, I would be protesting the Government itself, both parties, for doing the bailing out and not the lucky son of gun who received a couple of billion dollars...... I mean "HELLoooo Dolly" who the heck is not going to pocket that kind of money if its flat out given to them? Their mommas didn't raise no fool.
Anyway, that leads me to the Occupy people in my area, who have become an annoyance but due to the diligence of our fine members of law enforcement actually enforcing the public gathering laws, they have not been allowed to be too much of an aggravation as opposed to the Occupy groups in those states whose law enforcement didn't enforce the public gathering laws and let things get out of hand.
Well, it seems that yesterday a few members of the local Occupy group just couldn't stand it that they were not in the forefront of the news. They couldn't handle it that people were paying them little to no mind. They had to make a stand in the food court of one of the biggest malls in the area right in the middle of Black Friday, in the midst of thousands of happy holiday shoppers enjoying the hustle and bustle. Folks who love getting into the excitement of the season by finding bargains and spending their hard earned money wisely, by ferreting out the wonderful array of discount prices offered on that day.
The local Police Department offered to stand outside on the sidewalk leading up to the Mall and oversee the Occupy people's protest, at taxpayers expense, where they would have been no less visible. They were informed that they could not invade and take over private property, disrupt the rights of citizens shopping and the rights of shop owners alike. The law was carefully explained to them. Now you would think that any reasonable person who had a message they wanted others to take seriously would be delighted to OBEY THE LAW THEMSELVES in the process of getting their message out. Maybe they had delusions that people would look at them as some sort of hero while they were being handcuffed. Only having been charged with misdemeanors I guess it won't hurt them too bad. If they keep it up I hope law enforcement starts looking for some felonies to charge them with.
Truth be known they weren't really interested in getting their message out. They had decided well beforehand to be the Grinch That Stole Christmas. What they wanted to accomplish was to disrupt everyone else's lives. They wanted first and foremost their selfish 15 minutes of fame. They wanted to cause a severe monetary loss to the businesses located in the mall. They wanted to get people's minds off the joys of the season and put the focus on their disjointed series of demands and in the process suck more and more tax payers dollars down the drain while civil servants are forced to stop looking for crack dealers, carjackers, and child abusers to baby sit what has turned into a bunch of clowns with a selfish me, me, me, look at me, attitude.
Lastly, they've done their cause more harm than good when each day public sentiment deserts them more and more, going from an interest in trying to understand what cause they are fighting for to abject contempt and disdain for the entire movement.
This is one of my older blogs. No matter the amount of time which has passed it seems that illegal immigrants are still a major concern in America. This was written while President Obama was pretending to the American people he really wanted to enforce our immigration laws. My prediction that all along he wanted to backdoor them has been proven correct.
UPDATE - Information seems to indicate that the blueservo website is no longer funded so the link provided will not work. I'm leaving the blog here anyway. At least for now.
No matter what President Obama says about wanting to protect the United States-Mexican border, he intends to eventually backdoor illegal aliens into citizenship. In the meantime he will make their presence here legal, provide them with full benefits which up to now were afforded only to U S citizens, and give them permanent residence in the U S.
Obama is not the only President who has worked toward that goal. President Bush did too. In the meantime, there has been no real effort made to defend our borders from this invasion and the situation with illegal aliens and their organized crime has been out of control for years.
At least for the time being there is a coalition that is quite serious about stopping border crime and has found a unique way of allowing U S citizens to take a proactive role in that endeavor.
The Texas Border Sheriff's coalition, formed in 2005 to protect Texans from criminal groups who constantly use our open borders to cross into the U S, is comprised of 20 sheriffs from counties along the Texas-Mexico Border.
In March of 2007 they joined with Blue-Servo and initiated a surveillance program which will allow citizens anywhere in the U S to be proactive in helping fight border crime. It seems that folks are not only logging on in the U S but in other areas of the world too. While most of the virtual deputies are in Texas they've heard from some as far away as Australia.
Real-time streaming video enables members of the public to spot and report suspicious activity to appropriate law enforcement agencies through e-mail. Surveillance cameras operate day and night and the location and numbers of these cameras will constantly change based upon need or threat. The cameras, under public monitoring, are meant to cut down on or stop unobserved drug and human traffickers from crossing our borders.
Information from the Blue-Servo website states, "Another facet of this program is the ability of the public to connect their own cameras to to create local Virtual Neighborhood Watches in order to protect their own homes, neighborhoods, and families from criminal acts. These Virtual Neighborhood Watches can, in turn, be connected to form additional Virtual Community Watches."
If you want to participate in this "virtual neighborhood watch" program it's easy. Just go to the Blue-Servo website and sign up and while you are there take a look at some of the actual sighting videos. Links are at the bottom of the page.
(No longer funded)
News Report:
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