Monday, February 17, 2014


Mary Pickersgill a Baltimore resident, never knew that when Major George Armistead requested she make an extra large American Flag the work of her hands would result in one of the most inspiring symbols of bravery and patriotism this wonderful country has ever known.

As Major Armistead, the commander of Ft. McHenry located near Baltimore explained, he was expecting imminent attack by the British and he wanted the flag to be clearly visible to the English Fleet.

Old Glory, representing this grand new nation in the making , withstood bombardment from English warships for over 25 hours. That historic flag continuing to stand through unimaginable attack was the very same one which inspired Francis Scott Key to write his poem "The Star Spangled Banner". He too never dreamed that his creation would eventually become the National Anthem of the United States of America.

I am forever proud of my nation, my flag, and those brave men and women in our nation's service who fought and continue to fight for freedom everywhere.

This video is of Larry Ford grammy winning tenor, singing our National Anthem. His powerful voice does justice to the moving words and meaning behind this grand song.

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